Geo data – support for researchers

Code Version Control

To improve reproducibility of their data analysis or to improve model development, many researchers are writing and sharing their own code.  

There are many strategies for making code open, accessible, and auditable. We suggest using a Git-based workflow hosted on a repository platform like GitHub or GitLab. Git is a version control system for software to track changes in the code over time as new features and functions are written. 

Getting started with Git may be a little intimidating, so the Utrecht University Library is organizing many workshops, such as Introduction to R and data, Best Practices for Writing Reproducible Code, and many others. 

There are also some online tools to help make your software FAIR. 

The Utrecht University Github getting started guide 

Beginning Git and GitHub | SpringerLink  – This ebook is available to UU faculty and researchers when logged into an UU computer on campus.